A very basic requirement for any website today is to collect User Feedback. This feedback can be saved in a Database system like SQL Server/Oracle, or for small sized websites, the information can be mailed to the Business Representative. In this blog, I am trying to store different ways to achieve this functionality.
Microsoft way - CDONTS
Article ID - 186204 - How to use CDONTS to collect and mail information from a user. This article contains an example that describes how to collect information from a user on a .HTM page, and then use that information to send mail to a recipient using Collaboration Data Objects for Windows NT Server (CDONTS) over SMTP. This article includes sample code for the HTM and ASP files as well as information on how to configure your Microsoft Management Console (MMC) Default SMTP Server.
- Very simple way to develop the Send Mail functionality if the environment is already configured (IIS should be configured properly with SMTP)
- I don't have to say this but still....... this solution is restricted only to MS Platform. If your website is running on Unix with Non-ASP Code, then you may need different solution.
- In case if you are setting a New SMTP Server for this funcationality, then you may need to test the SendMail well before.
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