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Saturday, August 05, 2006

WWW celebrates its 15th birthday today

Extract from Times Of India, Bangalore - 06-Aug-2006

WWW had come a long way - See its history

06-Aug-1991 - Tim Berners-Lee founds World Wide Web
12-Dec-1991 - First web server founded
22-Apr-1993 - Mosaic, the first web browser, released
Feb-1994 - Two students start Yahoo to offer a directory of other websites
13-Oct-1994 - Netscape browser launched
01-Jul-1995 - Amazon starts as an online book store
24-Aug-1995 - Internet Explorer is offered with Microsoft Windows 95
04-Sep-1995 - eBay starts operations as Auctionweb
04-Jul-1996 - HoTMaiL launched on US Independence Day
Sep-1998 - Two students start Google at a garage in California
May 1999 - Napster started to share music files
04-Sep-2001 - Google awarded patent for its search algorithm
05-Feb-2004 - Janet Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction" becomes the most searchable image in the web history ;)
19-Aug-2004 - Google goes public with an IPO
Jul-2004 - Tim Berners-Lee is knighted
TODAY - There are over 9 crore websites

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